Contact Us

WGC Staff

Chelsie Hargrove
Associate Director, Student Engagement, Women and Gender Center
Pronouns: They/She

WGC Graduate Assistant

Request a Classroom Presentation

Would you like a member of the Women and Gender Center to come to your classroom? We offer a variety of presentations from a general overview of our office or specific workshops. Do you have a topic you are focusing on within your classroom that you’d like us to provide a co-curricular module? If the answer is yes to any of the above complete our form below to bring us to your classroom.

Request to Collaborate with the WGC

Looking to work with the Women and Gender Center in bringing your ideas to life? We offer a variety of ways that WGC can partner with organizations, departments, or Residential Advisors. You can request an overview of our office, a workshop to meet the desired need, to collaborate on an existing idea or you can request sponsorship for your program. To collaborate with WGC complete our form below.